
House System

Traf girls are fiercely loyal to their assigned houses. This well-loved tradition was born of an effort to create a sense of unity between students in different grades, and has remained a cornerstone of Traf’s sense of family.
And what would houses be without their defining features? When the system was created in Traf’s 50th year, each faction thought up a colour, motto, and namesake to embody their uniqueness and spirit. Under the house system, girls are awarded points for participation and helpfulness, among other positive contributions. Four major competitions occur annually: House Carnival in fall, inter-house volleyball in winter, the annual House Play competition, and Field Day in spring.

Ross House

Named after Donald Ross, Esq., Founder of the school

Colour: Yellow

Motto: Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re / Pleasant in Disposition, Brave in Action

Cumming House

Originally ”Ridell” after Mr. Alexander F. Riddell, Secretary-Treasurer of the Board, 1879-1929. Renamed Cumming in 1940 when Principal Janet Cumming retired

Colour: Blue

Motto: Facta non Verba / Deeds not words

Fairley House

Named after Miss Grace Fairley, the school’s first Principal

Colour: Red

Motto: Ministerium se Preaevenit / Service before Self

Donald House

In 1960, as the school grew, a 5th house was created.
Named after the Rev. George H. Donald, Board President

Colour: Purple

Motto: Pertinacia et Amicitia / Determination and Friendship

Barclay House

Named after the Rev. Dr. Barclay, long-serving
member and Chairman of the Board

Colour: Green

Motto: Tende Bene et Alta Pete / Strive well and reach high

Trafalgar School for Girls

3495 Simpson Street
Montreal, Quebec
H3G 2J7
Our diverse school community challenges and inspires girls to embrace learning, be confident, and shape a better world.