We imagine a world where students, teachers, and researchers
collaborate to enact positive change in education.
Connect innovative research and practice
We connect educational theory and practice by supporting innovative research and practices in teaching, learning, and student engagement.
Cultivate collaborative practice and research hubs
We collaborate with teachers, researchers, and community members to build active communities of practice and produce timely and actionable research.
Create a scalable and sustainable partnership model
We disseminate research on educational practice and partnership, offering in-service and pre-service teachers access to evidence-based educational research and resources.
New Research Projects There is already one CoLab research project approved for the coming 2024-25 school year, with a second application just submitted. We look forward to learning more and following these projects in the new school year.
Research Deliverables As highlighted in the pillars, a main objective of the CoLab is to share research results back into the community so researchers and practitioners can learn and grow together. To this end, we will be welcoming Stephanie and Heather back to the Trafalgar school building in August to share their research and preliminary results back with the Trafalgar faculty. In addition, Stephanie will be writing a Research Brief for the pilot project so we can share the study with interested researchers, practitioners, students, parents, and all members of the larger school community moving forward.
Open Classroom Series In order to share teaching expertise with the aspiring practitioners, the CoLab team is planning to introduce an Open Classroom Series that connects Trafalgar teachers with McGill teachers-in-training. This initiative will help develop mentorship opportunities and meaningful communities of practice in education.
Pilot Project In June, the year-long pilot project on Teaching Climate Change Education concluded. The project, led by McGill doctorate student Stephanie Leite, engaged and challenged five Trafalgar teachers to rethink how they teach in the context of climate change. The project was tracked over the course of the year and a survey was sent to all researchers and participants to learn from the successes, challenges, and opportunities of conducting or participating in a CoLab project.
3D Printing Project In addition to the pilot project, another McGill doctorate student, Heather Pearson, worked with Trafalgar teachers to conduct a CoLab-adjacent project over the course of the school year on 3D printing. While the project was not directly involved in the CoLab, it still provided invaluable insights into the logistics, mutual benefits, and lasting results of school-based research.
After the project concluded in June, nearly half of Trafalgar’s teachers signed up to participate in a 2-day workshop led by the McGill researcher to learn how to operate 3D printers, design digital models, and incorporate this technology into their own classrooms.
Information Sharing Strategy A unified sharing strategy was developed to outline which stakeholders need to receive what type of information about the CoLab and through what means. This strategy ensures alignment and conformity when introducing the project and sharing development updates. In addition, the exercise allowed us to identify each communication method and map out how they interconnected, ensuring a cohesive and comprehensive communication system.
Research Proposal Workflow The CoLab Steering Committee is currently mapping, testing, and refining the entire research selection process from relationship-building and ideation to final project approval.
EGSS Conference Workshop In March, a Trafalgar teacher and member of the CoLab Steering Committee will be running a workshop at the McGill Education Graduate Students Society (EGSS) conference. This opportunity will further support relationship-building between Trafalgar and McGill and exemplify the opportunity for and benefits of collaboration and learning between researchers and practitioners.
Faculty Profiles To promote relationship-building and collaboration between school and university, Trafalgar School for Girls is creating academic profiles for each faculty member to complement the existing online McGill faculty profiles. Trafalgar profiles will include each teachers’ areas of interest and academic backgrounds to help match them with like-minded members of the Faculty of Education interested in joint research opportunities under the CoLab.
Pilot Projects In September, the CoLab launched its first pilot research project. The study, titled “Connecting curriculum, assessment, and pedagogy as a relational approach to transformative climate change education” is being led by a PhD student at McGill University and six participating Trafalgar teachers. In addition, a second proposed pilot project is currently in the evaluation phase. Pilot projects allow for the testing of the entire research process from start to finish. As the first year-long project continues and a second project looms on the horizon, the CoLab Steering Committee is diligently taking note of all challenges, successes, and questions and using them to inform and improve the CoLab’s development.
Relationship Building, cont. To continue building on the foundational strength of its partnership, the CoLab Steering Committee maintains a particular focus on engaging the diverse groups of stakeholders from both Trafalgar School for Girls and the McGill Faculty of Education. It remains important to continue building connections between the two institutions, while simultaneously educating and informing their constituents as the partnership evolves. The CoLab has always been and will always be a collaborative effort. To this end, the Steering Committee is planning additional events, beyond the many meetings throughout the past year, that will bring together these two communities.
Rachael Diamant, Learning Specialist at Trafalgar School for Girls
I've always enjoyed exploring educational research and interpreting it from my perspective as an educator, questioning how educational theories translate into classroom practice. As a learning specialist, one of my responsibilities involves linking contemporary research to the challenges faced by educators and students, searching for effective solutions, testing various strategies, and adapting them to support the unique needs of our staff and students. This dynamic and ever-evolving process mirrors the research journey and inspired me to join an educational research lab at McGill University two years ago.
Listen to Katherine Nikidis, Head of School at Trafalgar School for Girls, and Lisa J. Starr, former Associate Professor and Department Chair in the Department of Integrated Studies in Education at McGill University, speak on the future of education.
The Birks Family Foundation was founded almost 65 years ago on two basic pillars: Education and Health. It has since added the Arts and the Environment to its areas of focus; however, the first two sectors remain its principal areas of support. Trafalgar School for Girls’ CoLab project with McGill University’s Faculty of Education, is an exciting, innovative, and visionary concept in the field of education, not only in Quebec but in the rest of Canada.
Through an innovative and collaborative school-university partnership, the CoLab fosters dynamic learning environments and action-oriented research that advance educational practice for a rapidly changing world.